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Teresa Borrās, compositora

Teresa Borrās Fornell was born in Manresa on 30 July 1923. She began her musical studies at the age of eight at the Liceu Conservatory of Barcelona studying Piano, Harmony and Guitar. Posteriorly she studied Harmony, Contrapoint and Composition with C. Taltabull and two courses of Clavicord at the Cons. Superior of Music.

Studied composition with R. Halffter.

She taught piano and guitar at the Municipal Music School of Manresa for seven years and piano and Harmony at the Matarķ Music School. At the Chigiana Accademy of Siena (Italy ), she attended piano Agosti's courses, obtening a grant from this same institution for Frazzi Œs composition class.
Gave numerous piano recitals.

My Music has suffered an evolution. Same works are without time signature, atonal, bitonal with contemporaneous signs.
Some of them are very freely made, but none has been written using the 12-tone technique.

Obres / Works

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C/ del pont, nē 31, 1r. 1Ē
TLF. 93 866 51 91