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Enric Morera (1865-1936), composer
Morera was born in Barcelona in 1865. He studied with I.Albeniz and
F.Pedrell and later with F.Fièvez in Brussels. In 1983 he went back
to Barcelona, where he gained a reputation as a temperamental and
craftsmanlike composer. He is the main musical representative of the
Modernism movement in Catalonia. A man of strong convictions,
Enric Morera was a composer with sound technical knowledge, a Romantic
temperament and an emphatic style of composition. The works we present
in this collection display the fundamental characteristics of Morera's style,
strongly rooted in the post-Wagnerian school, the typical misty languors of
this tradition coexisting with and occasionally ceding pride of place to a
more southerly idiom with popular overtones.