
la mà de guido partitures / sheet music

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The digital purchase of the score includes a PDF file and, when indicated beside the title, also a MusicXML file (PDF/MusicXML). We even include (if available) a sound recording in mp3 of our label (PDF/MusicXML/mp3).

What is a MusicXML file?
MusicXML is the format that, after many attempts, has been internationally recognised as the digital standard system to represent musical scores. There are many programs that allow us to read this format and do many things with scores, such as electronically perform them, be able to make transpositions, create audio files, etc. To see a list of the programs that read MusicXML, click here: . More specifically, there is a free program,  Finale Reader , which allows us to read, perform and print our scores very correctly. Our files are in the MusicXML 2.0 version; in order to see them correctly, the Finale2009 version or later ones are required.

What should we do to purchase and receive a digital score?  
If you wish to buy one or more digital scores, write down the references (MG#) that you wish and click on the digital price (or go to the digital order form). In the order form, enter the reference(s), the total price, your e-mail address, and, please, pay by credit card (directly to us or by means of paypal). By return of electronic post you will receive in your mailbox the digitalized files of the scores.

See and hear now a MusicXML score:
Download the Myriad plug-in for browsers and see and hear a MusicXML score here
You can also open and hear a MusicXML score online here (File/Import)

The same score in PDF format (the music layout in MusicXML is not always identical to the original)