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Ricard Lamote de Grignon (1899- 1962), composer

Ricard Lamote de Grignon was born in Barcelona into a family many of whose members were well-known musicians: he himself was teacher, conductor and composer, and a member of the circle of the eight Independent Composers of Catalonia. It is probably in the realm of the miniature that the composer's sensitivity is best appreciated. In the works presented here we can found nationalist echoes in the triptych Monocromies, an evocative, colourist work which illustrates perfectly the composer's aesthetic viewpoint. These echoes are to be seen mostly in the outer movements, with their dance-like airs, above all the final movement with its strong, forceful drive and clearly Hispanic flavour. He was in prision after the Spanish civil war ­acused to be composed revolutionary music­, seeing his music censured during those years.