Enric Morera (1865-1942)

foto moreraMorera was born in Barcelona in 1865. He studied with I.Albeniz and F.Pedrell and later with F.Fièvez in Brussels. In 1983 he went back to Barcelona, where he gained a reputation as a temperamental and craftsmanlike composer. He is the main musical representative of the Modernism movement in Catalonia. A man of strong convictions, Enric Morera was a composer with sound technical knowledge, a Romantic temperament and an emphatic style of composition. The works we present in this collection display the fundamental characteristics of Morera's style, strongly rooted in the post-Wagnerian school, the typical misty languors of this tradition coexisting with and occasionally ceding pride of place to a more southerly idiom with popular overtones.

  • Orchestra

  • Atlàntida, poema simfònic (Pic.2.2.EH.2.BCl.2/ c. '  (in rev.)
    score  (pdf score-manuscript beginning) 

    Bandarres i mariners (Pic.2.2.EH.3.BCl.2.CBn/ c. (in rev.)
    score  (pdf score-manuscript pag.1) 

    Idil·li (Traïdoria), poema simfònic  ( c. ' (in rev.)
    score  (pdf score-manuscript beginning) 

    Escena popular, oda simfònica  ( c. ' (in rev.)
    score  (pdf score-manuscript beginning) 

  • Orchestra (with oboe soloist)

  • Records campestres (2.1.oboe soloist.2.2/ (c. 4'30'')
    (computer version)
    score  (pdf score) altaveu (computer version)

  • String Orchestra

  • Melangia (8' 18")

    score  (pdf score) altaveu (mp3 music)

    Quartet en si (c. 25')
    (1st. movement)
    The 1st. movement can be performed as an independent work
    score  (pdf score) altaveu (mp3 music)

    Queixa i Dansa (c.10')
    score  (pdf score) altaveu (mp3 music)

    Andante Religiós (c.6')
    score  (pdf score)