Agustí Borgunyó (1894-1967)

foto borgunyoAgustí Borgunyó was born in Sabadell in 1894 and emigrated to the United States in 1915. During his first stage in Washington, D.C., he devoted himself to writing light music for ballroom orchestras and to the composition of several ballets, suites and operettas according to the American taste of those times. From the 1930s onward, he moved to New York where he worked as orchestrator for the Symphonic Orchestra of the Wor radio station of New York, conducted by Alfred Wallenstein. During this period, Borgunyó was commissioned by Wallenstein himself to write symphonic works of a “Spanish style” to broadcast them on the radio.

  • String Orchestra

  • Minuet   c.7'
    score  (pdf score)